of the Australasian Association of Genealogists
and Record Agents

This is a most highly regarded association, with members who are well regarded within the
profession. Only experienced and qualified people can apply to join. A number of Anita’s clients find her
through them.
If you wish check out her page on their website but remember to come
of Association of Professional

The Australia and New Zealand chapter was reformed in September
2020 to provide members with a forum to exchange information and ideas among professional genealogists. We
also promote and support the objectives of the Association of Professional
Ancestry Victoria
This business is not part of or any other countries ancestry link, and has no
business relationship with them.
We are based in Victoria , Australia, and most of our clients live in this state also.
This of course doesn't exclude any other state, always happy to research elsewhere and
in 2005
Well established, the business was commenced on a small part-time basis and has grown gradually
over the years. Anita has had to reduce her employment from full-time to part-time to handle the growing
Are you interested in finding out more ?